Ernest Brown, MPH
IYC Steering Committee Co-Chair
CEO of North Central Family Medicine
30+ years of experience
Ernest Brown serves as the CEO for North Central Family Medical Centers in York and Chester Counties.
North Central Family Medicine, was charted in 1989 in Rock Hill, SC as a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. The organization received federal funding as a community health center in September 1991. The current CEO, Ernest Brown, was hired by the Board of Directors on February 3, 1992, to start-up the new health center. The initial office was set up in the York County Health Department while space was rented and renovated in back of the old West End Elementary School on South Cherry Road. Working as a team, the CEO and Board of Directors went to work recruiting staff, purchasing furniture and equipment, and preparing to see its first patient on June 1, 1992, just four months after hiring the CEO.